Tuesday, November 4, 2008

ohhhhh... well that explains it.

if this is hard for you to see.. then click on it and it gets bigger.. anyway i went to see my midwife today because i'm leaking something and we weren't sure if it was amniotic fluid.... we think its just cervical fluid. anyway she checked me and said nola is at 0 station... which you can see is the line where the 0 is. so... that would explain the pain. also my cervix has changed "A LOT" since last week according to mary, which is good... hopefully this really truly will happen soon. i'll keep you posted... haha punisher.


Steph said...

yeay! hopefully that makes you feel a little better:) good luck!

Anonymous said...

that would explain the punched in the vagina feeling. i hope she comes tomorrow. 11-5 is a good birthday to have :)

Erin said...

That's crazy! She is waaay down there already. Seriously no wonder why you're feeling all that! When I was at 9 cms with Faye I think she was still at a -2. She was still way up there. So hopefully this means Nola will just slide right out... haha.

Andrea Terry said...

It's kind of disturbing that a vagina can get that big...awesome graphic representation, Skylana!

meg r. said...

Yeah, Nola is coming soon!! How neat she is already down so far. We pray for a very quick labor and delivery...SOON...love m

skylana said...

andrea- yea its TOTALLY disturbing. especially when your vagina is about to do it... sick.

and jen tonight or tomorrow would be great! election day or her due date! haha funny.

stina said...

this is so crazy! ...that nola is just hanging out at the 0 line... i can't imagine how crazy that feels...i have been praying for you often these days! be strong, woman!

kimberlea faye said...

i've never been pregnant so i generally find these posts a good mix of fascinating and disturbing. the baby can just chill half way out of the vagina?? what??? is this really how God designed it, i mean seriously? wow. something to look forward to i guess...