Friday, January 23, 2009


thats what i think anyway.

how about you?


Shan said...

i assume you mean opposites?
i think you can tell their sisters but they have their own distinct looks (kinda like our girls). btw, just looking at those pics gave me baby fever...uh oh. :)

Monica E. said...

since i've never met you, i'm just going from the pictures you've posted on your blog... ara = mini seth & nola = mini you. no doubt about it.

skylana said...

monica you have guessed very very well for never meeting us. even better than some of the fam!! wild.


i totally agree.

kachina said...

I've never met you guys either...but it's sooooooo obvious that nola is a mini mommy and ara a mini daddy. So obvious. : ) Both are so beautiful!

Flo Paris said...

Of course you already know what I think:) But just to be clear, Ara is to Seth what Sera is to Josh and same with you and Nola.
Love it.
I can't wait to know what Nola will look like when she is older. How weird that when they are babies you can't tell, but when they are older, you can always look back and see how they've always looked that way.

matthew charles covington said...

i think they both look like edward...uh oh..

Unknown said...

You know what I think. They are definitely sisters, but Ara looks like Seth with Joel's coloring and Nola couldn't look more like you! Both beauties but very unique from one another! I love them both!! :)

meg said...

I wanna meet Nola.

I agree with Flo, I can't wait to see what they both look like when they're older, you can always tell looking back but can't quite see it when they're babies.