Friday, April 10, 2009

where have all the hand towels gone?

this post might offend some, but after years of noticing this and saying nothing, biting my tongue and using someone elses bath towel to dry my hands... i'm breaking the silence.

where have all the hand towels gone people?

i'm not the cleanest person in the world and i'm not suzie homemaker for sure, but one thing i always make sure i have is a clean, dry hand towel in my bathroom for our friends.... i have noticed that none of my friends have this in their bathroom for me. i can honestly think of ONE friend who did. that's it. one. so dont be offended if you are my friend and you realize you have no hand towels, you are one among many.

..but here's the thing its the most disgusting thing to me to wipe my clean hands on your bath towel... i dont know which spot you used to dry your good parts.. but i can't be sure i'm guessing accurately and it scares the shit out of me.

so please friends... please... i'm begging... bring back the hand towel.

its so this season.


MEGAN said...

SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!! I always have hand towles hanging up, we just rarely have people over.

Flo Paris said...

Sooooo true. I have felt the same way wiping my hands on damp towels at other people's houses.

Did i have one? I'm pretty sure I did since I bought new ones when we moved to Los Osos....

I usually remember to have one out, especially if I know for sure we are having company over. Although, the bath-sized towel that is always out on the rack is NOT one that we use for ourselves.

I agree that that is sick and gross.

Erin said...

I always have a hand towel ready to be used!!! Because I'm a freak and I won't even dry my own hands on a bath towel that Lane has used.

skylana said...

erin.... i know you do. perfect.

Erin said...

I know this doesn't really apply anymore, but you never have to be grossed out by drying your hands on our bath towels. Since we have a guest bathroom, we just put those up so Soren can reach them too. Just think of them as jumbo hand towels. Since I am a border-line germaphobe, I would be just as grossed out to have someone wiping their hands on my bath towel than I would be if I was drying my hands on someone else's bath towel. Either way...pretty gross.

Sarah Corbett said...

um...i'm going to have to call you out here. i was at your house last night and guess what...NO HAND TOWEL! hahahahaha. i'm not actually sure if you use that bathroom to shower in, but the only towels present were bath ones :) at least at my house if there is no hand towel, you have no other choice but to use your clothes or shake them dry becuase there's no shower :)

skylana said...

yea sarah that was an exception, because i hadn't freaking folded the laundry in two weeks. you could have gone to my couch and gotten one. and no we DO NOT use those towels..

Flo Paris said...

UGH. I have had Paula Cole stuck in my head since yesterday because of this post. "where have all the cowboys gone"