Wednesday, February 25, 2009

best week ever.

i should not even be saying this.. but i'm too excited to keep it in.

hopefully the universe will have mercy on me and defy jinxing laws this time.

this week since we were in san luis ara's been sleeping through the night again! AND... waking up at 630 or 7!

shes always been pretty good about going down for bed but lately shes totally awake when we leave at bed time or nap time and she waves and says nigh night when we walk out... then just goes to sleep....

ok before you start shitting your pants let me finish....

all of a sudden shes potty training herself!! straight up. its super cute because she can go get her chonies and put them on by herself and take them off and use her stool to get up on the toilet herself. shes pooped once in her diaper the past three days!

also shes very private, she wants me in there but she hides behind the curtain to go.... what a presh.


Steph said...

haha that pic is adorable!

meg said...

I think I'm in love with her. Yep. I am.

anna joy said...

hahha i love how she hides behind a clear curtain!!