Saturday, March 28, 2009


did anyone watch wednesdays oprah?

i'm just watching it now....

the sexual spectrum!?!?! how long have i been saying this people?!!

i'm so happy.

heres the scale.... for those in question.


Erin said...

i'm leavng this comment for your last post: I'm proud of you. Being there and facing what is happening and I am going to be thinking about you and Seth and your beautiful girls and praying that you will be able to put everyhting together so it works. That you will both be able to find yourselves and be joyful and complete. I am going to pray that you will be able to stay transparent and honest and kind and that you will find your way to what it is you need. I love you. And I'm here for you. Good luck girl. I beleive that you can do it.

Monica E. said...

i just want to say that your honesty (even about the really hard things) is appreciated, and you aren't alone. most of us have felt these things before, but are too scared to even acknowledge them. and those who do acknowledge them usually take the easy way out, so i commend you for saying you're really going to work at this. i really do hope you find peace in whatever happens. thanks for your post.

Holls said...

i caught that oprah, was def interesting... curious to know, what number are you on the spectrum?

skylana said...

prolly a 2....

Holls said...

thanks for your honesty... not that i would expect any different i guess. lealah and i talked long and hard about that oprah... but we were really tripping out on that jackie warner. crazy all these women are soooo into her uh?